Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve Review: Anchor Porter

Anchor Porter: 5.6% ABV Anchor Brewing Co. San Francisco, CA

Served from a bottle into a standard American pint glass. Pours dark, almost black, with only hints of red/mahogany on the edges of the glass. The head is about two fingers high and an off white tan colour. It is creamy and has great retention and lacing. The lacing is patchy and goes to the bottom of the glass.

The aroma is of light coffee and roasted chocolate malt up front and moves to a light fruity sweetness in the finish. Over all a light aroma but very good.

The taste starts with dry roasted malts with hints of chocolate and light caramel. It hits an dry point in the middle and starts to smooth out into a nice finishing with almost fruity sweetness. The sweetness is a little to much at first but as you let the beer warm it all balances out perfectly and the sweetness dissipates. All in all a little to sweet though for a classic porter.

Mouth feel is medium/light with a medium amount of carbonation which works well with the flavour. It drinks very smooth and would work great for a sessionable beer.

Over All Style Rating: 8/10      Personal  Rating: 8.7/10

- The Ass

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