Today I will be reviewing Mitchell's Extra Special Bitter, a local offering from Spinnakers Brew Pub and Guest House in Victoria, BC.
Pours about 1 and a half fingers of white head. Not very thick or creamy and dissipates fairly quickly although it does leave some light lacing on the glass. Colour is a dark copper/ light reddish brown with quite a bit of light permeating through the brew.
Smell is fruity, kind of apple like, with other diacetyl and ester notes as well as a slight metallic scent. There is a solid biscuity or cereal like malt back bone with a slight amount of floral hoppiness as well. A nice scent not too light or overpowering; just right.
Taste up front is the fruity diacetyl yeast notes again slightly apple-like. This is followed by a strong cereal/biscuit malt flavour which fades to a dry finish with a little bit of floral hop flavour and a slight bitterness that lingers for a surprising amount of time given the understated flavours.
The body is fairly light (too light to be medium but too heavy to be light kinda in between) with a medium amount of carbonation which contributes to the dry finish nicely.
Overall a pretty good example of an ESB with quite high drinkability, great choice for a session beer as none of the aspects are overwhelming.
Final Grades
According to style:
Appearance: 4.5/5
Smell: 4/5
Taste: 4/5
Mouthfeel: 4/5
Drinkability: 4.5/5
Overall: 84/100
According to Personal Preference: A good example of the style that hits all the desired points however I would have preferred the flavours to be a little more pronounced with a little more to it in terms of body as well. That being said still definitely worth checking out if you can get it.
Overall: 75/100
-The Bear
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