An offering from Sierra Nevada Brewing in Chico, California. Clocking in at 7.2% ABV so is just in the range of and Imperial IPA.
Pours a beautiful, slightly hazy burnt orange/copper colour with 2 fingers of slightly off white head. The head is nice and fluffy, sticks around nicely and clings to the glass leaving beautiful lacing all the way down. There are a few bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass but not much. All in all, a great looking IPA.
Smell is pretty much all hops. Nice citrus smell with pineapple being the main note and a some grapefruit being present as well. There's a little bit of astringency as well as a very very faint note of caramel and slightly bready malt if you're looking for it.
Taste is essentially the same as the smell with juicy citrus and pineapple from the hops followed immediately by bitterness that lingers and lingers on the back of the tongue. Not a whole lot of malts present but it doesn't take away from the beer at all.
Mouthfeel is a fairly light body with medium carbonation that coats the mouth slightly with a little juiciness from the hops and a slight amount of dry finish.
At 7.2% this is a super drinkable IPA just awesomely done. No alcohol present, not too much carbonation, perfect amount of body. Easy to see why this is such a highly regarded beer and why it was part of Sierra Nevada helping to pioneer the craft brew revolution if you will.
Final Grades:
According to Style:
Appearance: 5/5
Aroma: 4.5/5
Taste: 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: 5/5
Drinkability: 5/5
Overall: 96/100
Personal Preference: One of, if not the best imperial IPA's I've ever had. Period.
Overall: 95/100
-The Bear
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