Today I'll be reviewing Jack D'or from Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project in West Port, Massachusetts.
The pour is a beautiful hazy golden colour (the haziness being because it is unfiltered) with about 1 finger of light white head that faded fairly quickly but left really nice lacing down the glass. Lots of carbonation visible rising up from the bottom of the glass as well.
Wow there's a lot going on with the nose on this beer. Sweet and flowery, with a little bit of candy and spiciness with some pale malts barely noticeable in the back. Definitely a very strong yeast presence in the scent and I would be surprised if it weren't a Belgian strain. Also a slight citrus/fruity smell.
The taste is similar to the nose with strong yeast qualities present right off the bat. Very flowery again and fairly sweet, however before this gets to be too much a surprising amount of hop flavour and bitterness come through that works perfectly to counter balance the sweetness. This is followed by a spicy and slightly fruity finish that is also a little dry. The malts are present throughout however they are very understated and barely there.
The body is about medium with high carbonation that scrubs the palate with every sip. Smooth yet coarse at the same time to provide a really unique overall experience beyond just the smell and flavour.
This is a pretty drinkable beer, maybe a little too carbonated for a serious session beer but i definitely wouldn't mind sitting down and having a few of these.
Although this beer is technically a Saison, it, along with pretty much every beer made by Pretty Things, doesn't really adhere to a style and it has elements that can be found in a wide range of styles and is one of the most unique and interesting beers I've had.
Final Grade:
According to Style:
Appearance: 4.5/5
Smell: 5/5
Taste: 4.5/5
Mouthfeel: 4/5
Drinkability: 4.5/5
Overall: 90/100
Personal Preference: As I said above this is a really unique and interesting beer that manages to transcend styles without being over the top. It's a really good beer and if you have chance to pick it up I highly recommend it if even just for the experience. Awesome.
Overall: 93/100
-The Bear
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